Collection of Gaidis Graudiņš
At the time of the Third Awakening, collector and patron of Latvian culture Gaidis Graudiņš decided to donate to Latvia his Latvian cultural and historical items collection, which he had gathered while living in exile in Germany. In 1990, it became the core of the Latvian Culture Museum “Dauderi”.
The collection of around 7,000 objects spans the period from the second half of the 14th century to the present day. They include awards, items of numismatics and phaleristics, household and art objects, furniture, books, documents and photographs. One of the most valuable objects in the collection is the “Spring Landscape” by the grand master of Latvian painting Vilhelms Purvītis. The painting was taken to Germany during World War II and returned to Latvia in 2017 as a gift from Gaidis Graudiņš to the Museum.
Curator of the collection Viola Ozoliņa
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