Terms of visit

Regulations for visitors of the Latvian National Museum of History

Issued in accordance with Section 72 (1) (2), Section 73 (1) (4) of the Law on the State Administration System

1. General regulations

1.1 The purpose of these Regulations (hereinafter – the Regulations) is to inform visitors and employees of the Latvian National Museum of History (hereinafter – the Museum) about the norms of behaviour to be observed while in the Museum, exhibitions, exhibition halls and other common areas.
1.2 The Museum’s public service areas are:
1.2.1 Museum Storage – Pulka iela 8, Riga;
1.2.2 Museum Exhbition venues: Riga Castle – Pils laukums 3, Riga; Dauderi Division – Zāģeru iela 7, Riga; Popular Front Museum Division,  Vecpilsētas iela 13/15, Riga.
1.3 The Regulations are aimed at preserving the Museum’s property, collection objects, inventory and infrastructure, ensuring public order, mutual respect for other visitors and Museum staff and norms of public behaviour in the Museum premises, thus promoting a pleasant and high-quality visit to the Museum.
1.4 Museum staff have the right and duty to reprimand visitors if theses Regulations are breached.
1.5 Visitors to the Museum must treat the Museum’s internal rules of procedure, the working hours and duties of Museum staff and other visitors with respect.

2. Museum accessibility
2.1 The Museum is open to the public during open hours, which are indicated on the Museum’s website at https://lnvm.gov.lv and posted at the entrance to the Museum. The Museum shall publish information on changes to the Museum’s open hours on the Museum’s website at https://lnvm.gov.lv three working days in advance. Outside museum open hours, visitors or clients may be present in the museum only during events organised by the museum or by prior arrangement with the museum management.
2.2 Entrance to the museum premises and ticket sales shall be suspended 30 (thirty) minutes before the end of museum open hours. If necessary, the museum staff informs visitors about the end of museum open hours.
2.3 Appointments with the museum management or museum staff are possible by prior appointment by phone or e-mail and the purpose of the visit. The contact information of the museum staff is available on the museum’s website at https://www.lnvm.gov.lv, as well as at the Museum Storage Information Centre at Pulka iela 8, Riga, at the museum’s exhibition venues in Riga – Riga Castle, Pils laukums 3, Dauderi Division at Zāģeru iela 7, Popular Front Museum Division at Vecpilsētas iela 13/15.
2.4 The fee for the Museum’s services is determined in accordance with the Cabinet of Ministers Regulation of 8 October 2024 No.635 “Price List of Public Paid Services of the Latvian National Museum of History”. The visitor may pay for the Museum’s services in cash, by payment card or by bank transfer on the basis of the Museum’s invoice.
2.5 Visitors to the Museum’s exhibitions, expositions and paid events are obliged to purchase an entrance ticket or, if according to the Museum’s price list of paid services, to obtain a free entrance ticket and keep it until the end of the visit, as well as to present it to the Museum’s staff upon request.
2.6 Museum admission tickets can be purchased at the Museum ticket offices (Riga Castle, Pils laukums 3, Dauderi Division, Zāģeru iela 7, Popular Front Museum Division, Vecpilsētas iela 13/15) and on the Museum’s website at https://www.lnvm.gov.lv.
2.7 It is possible to pay for entrance tickets in cash or with a payment card. A group of visitors can pay for tickets by bank transfer on the basis of an invoice issued by the Museum.
2.8 Information on the Museum’s ticket prices, discounts and free admission conditions is available at the Museum’s ticket offices, as well as in the “Price list” section of the Museum’s website, on the website https://www.lnvm.gov.lv.
2.9 When purchasing a discounted ticket, the visitor must present a valid document confirming the visitor’s right to the discount (school or student ID, etc.).
2.10. Visitors do not have the right to return tickets to the Museum.
2.11: The visitor is obliged to:
2.11.1. keep the ticket until the end of the visit;
2.11.2. to treat the Museum’s property with respect while on the Museum’s premises;
2.11.3. observe public order and fire safety regulations;
2.11.4. be considerate when using baby carriages or mobility aids treat the exhibition, floors, exhibition equipment and common equipment of the museum with care;
2.11.5. comply with these Regulations.
2.12: The Museum or parts of its exhibitions and expositions may exceptionally be closed to the public in the following cases:
2.12.1. during a change of exhibitions and expositions or individual exhibits;
2.12.2. during excursions and classes;
2.12.3. during visits by public officials;
2.12.4. during the holding and preparation of rental events;
2.12.5. for health and safety reasons;
2.12.6. for technical reasons.

3. General regulations for visitors

3.1 It is forbidden to:
3.1.1. bring or use weapons, explosives, flammable substances, special protective equipment (gas cylinders, electric shock devices, etc.), pyrotechnics;
3.1.2. bring in or use strong-smelling, smelly objects and substances;
3.1.3. sleep on the seating in the public areas of the Museum;
3.1.4. to display posters or other notices in the public service areas of the Museum, to distribute printed materials without the approval of the Museum specialists;
3.1.5. sell printed matter or souvenirs without the approval of the Museum management;
3.1.6. raise funds for charity or conduct surveys or opinion polls of Museum visitors without the approval of the Museum management;
3.1.7. make noise or carry out other activities that disturb visitors to the Museum;
3.1.8. dispose of rubbish in places not intended for that purpose;
3.1.9. arrive in smudgy or smelly clothing;
3.1..10. enter with acute signs of infectious disease;
3.1.11. arrive under the influence of alcoholic beverages, narcotic, psychotropic, toxic or other intoxicating substances, or use alcoholic beverages, narcotic, psychotropic, toxic or other intoxicating substances on the premises of the Museum;
3.1.12. smoke, including electronic cigarettes;
3.1.13. carry out professional photography, filming, radio or television recording not provided for in the price list of the Museum’s paid services without the consent of the Museum’s management;
3.1.14. to move around the Museum premises with pets, except for assistance dogs that accompany persons with functional limitations (if the dog has been specially trained and a certificate has been issued certifying the dog’s suitability for the work to be performed in accordance with Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No.959 of 20 December 2005 “Welfare Requirements for Keeping, Training and Use of Sport, Working and Amusement Animals in Competitions, Work or Attractions”), as well as animals whose presence during events has been agreed with the Museum management;
3.1.15. unreasonably tamper with fire or safety alarms;
3.1.16. to enter arbitrarily the premises intended for the Museum staff;
3.1.17. bring umbrellas, balloons, drones, roller skates, skateboards, scooters, electric scooters, bicycles, large luggage, including suitcases, travel bags, backpacks. Such items should be left in the Museum’s cloakroom if this is physically possible due to the size of the items. If necessary, for security reasons, Museum staff have the right to ask to open and demonstrate the contents of bags and bags left in the cloakroom.
3.1.18. eat and drink (except drinking water), except in areas of the Museum where it is provided;
3.1.19. move behind barriers, enclosures and areas marked “For Staff”;
3.1.20. touch Museum exhibits unless there is a sign indicating that this is permitted;
3.1.21. to touch or move objects furnishing the premises;
3.1.22. damage (scratch, claw, knock, mark, etc.) display cases, information boards, screens, information materials, games, cushions and other objects;
3.1.23. tamper with the decorative decoration of the premises;
3.1.24. damage floor coverings;
3.1.25. open windows and doors arbitrarily.
3.2 The visitor shall be liable for any damage caused by his/her action or inaction to the Museum’s property, premises, inventory, exhibits,
3.3 Accompanying persons who come to the Museum with children are obliged to supervise the children and ensure their safety, including – not to allow children to climb, sit or stand on the Museum furniture, run on the stairs, sit in places not intended for this purpose. Adults are obliged to ensure that children’s behaviour and actions do not disturb other museum visitors or staff, cause damage to the museum premises, exhibits and interior elements.
3.4 Group visits:
3.4.1 Group visits shall be accompanied by a group leader and the group leader is responsible for ensuring that group members comply with these rules;
3.4.2. the number of persons in a group may not exceed 30 (thirty) if a tour or lesson is booked. Groups of pupils must be accompanied by one adult for every ten (10) pupils;
3.4.3. the Museum’s tour and lesson leader has the right to reprimand visitors if they interfere with the activities or excursions, as well as the right to terminate the excursion or activity if the members of the registered group continue to disobey these rules. In this case, the fee for the guided tour and the visit to the Museum will not be refunded.
3.5 Photography and filming on the Museum premises:
3.5.1. unless otherwise announced in individual cases, amateur photography and amateur filming with a smartphone or camera for private use without flash, tripod, etc., as well as without props, make-up, hairstyling or dressing up are permitted in the Museum’s exhibitions and displays. The publication of photographs or footage must not infringe the rights of third parties to privacy and the protection of personal data within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation;
3.5.2. group leaders (teachers, tourist guides, etc.) must coordinate with the Museum’s guided tour and lesson leader before the start of the guided tour or lesson to take photographs during the tour or lesson;
3.5.3. professional photography or professional filming for commercial purposes, photo shoots, photography with props and costumes (including for private use) and filming are permitted with prior agreement of the Museum management and are a paid service in accordance with the Museum’s price list for paid services.
3.6 Public Safety:
3.6.1. any accident, including theft, personal injury or threats of any kind (e.g. finding suspicious orphan objects) on the Museum premises must be reported immediately to a Museum employee;
3.6.2. the visitor should contact the Museum’s cashier to collect lost items found on the Museum premises. Lost objects are kept in the Museum for 3 (three) months. Lost items that have been stored for more than 3 (three) months are considered orphan property and are disposed of by the Museum.
3.6.3. in the event of an alarm, visitors must immediately evacuate in accordance with the evacuation plan and the instructions of the Museum staff, while remaining calm.

4. General regulations for ensuring the museum’s operational order and for preventing irregularities

4.1 Visitors are obliged to comply with these Regulations and with the instructions of the Museum staff.
4.2 In order to protect the Museum’s property, ensure public order and prevent criminal offences, the Museum’s premises and territory are subject to video surveillance, of which visitors are informed by means of information signs and stickers with relevant content.
4.3 An employee of the Museum has the right to:
4.3.1. require compliance with these rules, including warning of the violation and consequences;
4.3.2. to expel from the territory or premises of the Museum any person who fails or refuses to comply with these Rules after being warned by a Museum employee;
4.3.3. invite representatives of the state and municipal law enforcement and security authorities, including the police, to resolve conflicts;
to call the Museum security or the police in case of suspicion that a visitor has brought unauthorised objects into the museum or has misappropriated objects belonging to the Museum.
4.4 The Museum shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused for any reason to visitors’ personal belongings left unattended in the Museum, or to belongings left in the cloakroom.
4.5 The Museum shall not be liable for any accidents resulting from a breach of these Regulations.
4.6 The visitor’s presence in the Museum constitutes the visitor’s acceptance of these Regulations.


Regulations for visitors of the Latvian National Museum of History (in Latvian)

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