Industrial Age. Exhibition by Andris Vītoliņš

From 26 February to 20 April at the Great Salon of the Dauderi Division of the Latvian National Museum of History (Zāģeru iela 7, Sarkandaugava) an exhibition “Industrial Age” by artist Andris Vītoliņš is on display. It includes works created between 2004 and 2016 and thematically fits into the museum’s series of temporary exhibitions on the urban-industrial environment of Sarkandaugava.

Poster of exhibition by A. Vītoliņš.Dauderi is open from Wednesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 17:00. Ticket prices: adults  5 €, students, pensioners and disabled persons of group III 3 €, schoolchildren 2 €, families (1+2) 6 €, families (2+2) 11 €.


A. Vītoliņa glezna.

Industrial Age. Exhibition by Andris Vītoliņš