Documentation on the archaeological surveys and research
The documentation collection consists of several parts. The core of the collection of archaeological survey materials (AO) consists of information on various archaeological sites, locations of artefact finds, and excerpts from literature collected by the Monuments Board in the 1920s–1930s. The descriptions of the sites are supplemented by such unique documents as sketches, plans and photos. New information is still being added to the AO collection, which currently contains around 35,000 items.
The other significant part of the documents consists of archaeological excavation reports (AA). It was also initiated by the Monuments Board. Of the 1001 excavation reports currently in the AA collection, 336 relate to research conducted in the 1920s and 1930s and are the only copies. New information is still being added to this collection. The collection of excavation plans and drawings, which comprises several hundred items, is also linked to the AA collection.
Head currator of the collection Ritvars Ritums
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